2010. szeptember 7., kedd

YoyoFactory x Turning Point Chaotic

First of all, I gotta tell you that I rarely use metal yoyos (maybe I told this previously), I mainly throw plastics. But, of course, there are always exceptions. So, let's check this metal beauty that was made by YoyoFactory and Turning Point.

Weight (g)
Width (mm)
Diameter (mm)
Gap Width (mm)

chaotic 01

First of all, it has a really unique feel in the hand due to its almost-H-profile shape. It's really comfortable - and the weight of the yoyo is on the rims.

chaotic 02

The Chaotic is a really fast player. It has a long spinning time due to the Center Trac bearing that the yo-yo comes with. I mainly used it for frontstyle tricks, and played well. The response system is simply great: the Chaotic uses an 888 sized Central Bearing pad. Totally "unresponsiveness".

chaotic 03

The Chaotic has a smaller diameter than an FHZ, but it's wider than the Duncan model, so it has a different feel in the hand. All I can say, that YoyoFactory made it again (of course, Turning Point, too), the Chaotic rocks! I had to have a break in using plastics...

chaotic 05

The yo-yo comes in a nice YYF box, like all models of YYF. So: great packaging, great yoyo, great spin times... I think the Chaotic is a great choice.

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