2011. szeptember 1., csütörtök

Vulto GLITCH review

Vulto has been around for years and known for its great quality strings. They made the Saga and Saga V years before, but these models haven't been available for a while.

But now things changed and they released their new model, the Glitch yesterday.

vulto glitch

Actually I got this raw prototype in spring from Mario.

The first thing I gotta mention that its weight is really unusual. The Glitch is heavier than most used yoyos, it must be around 70-72 grams. Firstly it can be weird but it's easy to get used to it.

vulto glitch

The yoyo is much wider than a Freehand Zero. For me, it felt like a Hitman. Its shape is really comfortable, the edges are curved.

vulto glitch

The FHZ has a larger diameter. The Glitch is way smaller, reminds me on the DV888.

vulto glitch

The yo-yo uses a 6x13x5 bearing and silicone recess which can be removed or reloaded as the player wishes. Totally unresponsive. The yoyo plays great, it is able to do grinds, suicides and whips correctly. In other words, it is smooth as hell.

As I previously mentioned, this is a prototype. The final version looks like this:

Comes in a special kind of packaging: metal tins. Soooo oldschool! I really like the idea.

So all in all, apart from its name, the Glitch is the sexiest beast I've ever played. Totally smoothness. A masterpiece from Brazil. $86 is a really good price for it, go grab yours here.

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