2010. szeptember 8., szerda

September 2010 Session

This is a video we made with my friend Lipták Gergő. He has such great old-school tricks!

Video @ MySpace

We used a Chaotic, an Element X Remix, a Vulto Saga V (review comin' soon!) and fine Vulto strings.

2010. szeptember 7., kedd

Kitty String Review by Dávid Fehér

Dávid Fehér, one of my yoyoer friends dropped me with this review, to post it on the blog. Well, here it goes!

String Review – Kitty String (x100)

Well, I haven’t seen soo much string reviews, so I decided to write one by myself..Where shall I start… Really hard to say something about strings, because you just feel them, but you don’t know how to say it in words.

So, I got my x100 pack of the Baby Pink Kitty String, straight from Euro-Yo, so I have the chance to test it in longer run.

Well, I start woth the first impressions, as always:
I got the pack with the old packageing, but you may know that Kitty String now has a new packageing, it’s also a stricker, what is (in my opinion) a very good idea! But hey, who cares about the package, you play with the string, not with the package. So I didn’t mind that I get the „old” packageing.
The colourway is very shiny, bright, and awesome. I really love this colour, but later I will say something more about it.

After unpacking our new string, let’s put it into the yoyo.

I have to mention, that you get you string „unknotted”. So,m you have the cance to knot it as you want, and as long as you want and so on. I liked it, don’t know what you think, but for me it was good point.
Ont he first throw it made it’s job. Feels very fell ont he hand, doesn’t hurt you fingers, holds the loops/whips/suicides ver ywell, as it should. (Type 10 ftw!) So, no chance to disappointment.

Of course, nothing can be perfect.
As I said, I want to say something about the colour. I know, that after some time every string loses from it’s colour, but I realised that Kitty String maybe makes it a little faster. I’m no tan intensive player, and after about 6-7 hours of playing, it looses the awesome shine what it had at the begining.
Ont he other hand, it’s maintance is quite good, but not the best.

All in all. No disappointment, I have just positive experiences with it. As I said, holds everything perfectly, as it should, I had only problem with the colour loosing, but again, who cares about the colour…
All respects goes to Hiro for doing this job for us, and I have to say that he does a very good job with this string. I will galdly use it until I run out of them. (After it I’ll order more :$)

I hope I helped with this reviewish thing.


Online: www.kittystring.com


Big thanks to Dávid!

New logo

Here is a new logo I created for the blog. It will appear in my videos, and I'm gonna print some stickers and sidecap design, too.

lumpy gravy

YoyoFactory x Turning Point Chaotic

First of all, I gotta tell you that I rarely use metal yoyos (maybe I told this previously), I mainly throw plastics. But, of course, there are always exceptions. So, let's check this metal beauty that was made by YoyoFactory and Turning Point.

Weight (g)
Width (mm)
Diameter (mm)
Gap Width (mm)

chaotic 01

First of all, it has a really unique feel in the hand due to its almost-H-profile shape. It's really comfortable - and the weight of the yoyo is on the rims.

chaotic 02

The Chaotic is a really fast player. It has a long spinning time due to the Center Trac bearing that the yo-yo comes with. I mainly used it for frontstyle tricks, and played well. The response system is simply great: the Chaotic uses an 888 sized Central Bearing pad. Totally "unresponsiveness".

chaotic 03

The Chaotic has a smaller diameter than an FHZ, but it's wider than the Duncan model, so it has a different feel in the hand. All I can say, that YoyoFactory made it again (of course, Turning Point, too), the Chaotic rocks! I had to have a break in using plastics...

chaotic 05

The yo-yo comes in a nice YYF box, like all models of YYF. So: great packaging, great yoyo, great spin times... I think the Chaotic is a great choice.